8 Crucial Statistics for Entrepreneurs on Brand Packaging

8 Crucial Statistics for Entrepreneurs on Brand Packaging

Staying up-to-date with the latest packaging trends is a key to success in any industry. Although they may not reveal everything, statistics and studies can provide guidelines on whether certain decisions are sound. We've highlighted eight crucial statistics on brand packaging that can give you answers on how to improve your business even more.

  1. Purchasing decisions

    Packaging Influences Purchasing Decisions for More Than 70% of Americans. A unique, customized package can grab consumers' attention instantly, and boost sales.

  2. Gift purchasing

    Packaging Influences Gift Purchasing Decisions for More Than 80% of Americans. Custom gift boxes can help businesses increase sales and build brand loyalty.

  3. Single-use plastics

    75% of Respondents Would Ban Single-Use Plastic. Switching to eco-friendly packaging materials can help businesses gain customers' support, as 75% of US respondents would strongly support a complete ban on single-use plastic.

  4. Sustainable packaging

    81% of People Require Sustainable Packaging. If you want to succeed in the packaging industry, you must respect the demand for sustainable packaging.

  5. Product Value

    Nearly 70% of Americans Prefer Cardboard and Paper Packaging. Using biodegradable and reusable packaging materials, such as paper and cardboard, can increase product value and boost profits.

  6. Environmentally conscious

    More than 60% of US Consumers Would Re-Purchase Expensive Products with Sustainable Packaging. More than 60% of US consumers would re-purchase products if their packaging is sustainable.

  7. Unboxing videos

    More than 55% of Respondents Claim Unboxing Videos Influenced Their Purchasing Decision. Unboxing videos directly influence consumers' purchasing decisions, making it important to put your logo in a visible place when designing packages.

  8. Packaging materials

    More Than 50% of US Buyers are Willing To Pay More for Eco-Friendly Packaging. Using eco-friendly packaging can make a positive impact on consumers' purchasing decisions, as more than 50% of people are willing to pay more for sustainable packages.

Expert analyses suggest that sustainable packaging will grow by 8.5% until 2031, and labels are an important part of the packaging. Keep up with the latest packaging trends to succeed in the industry.

Let us help you find the right packaging solution.

Packaging can be a major brand differentiator. Merchant Boxes is a partner for people and organizations large and small that want to get the most out of their packaging and in-home brand experiences. Let’s make it meaningful. We’ll design and get you the right packaging when you need it. Experience more with Merchant Boxes.


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